Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Fitness Is About Health and Staying Healthy Is About Good Body Maintenance

The lessons learned are that what we do when we are young has an impact on aging and on what diseases and handicaps

 we will face as the years pile up. Good body maintenance is about avoiding anything toxic and that includes even dangerous rides at carnivals.
The latest fad is to take rides on vehicles that cause a drop and sudden stop, as in some crazy fairground roller coaster 
adventures. Watching one of these recently it was hard for me to believe that people not only put their own bodies at risk but that of their children in the name of having fun. The human brain is soft and very easily damaged.
The body warns of impending danger through the adrenalin glands and the sensation that many find addictive. As adrenalin flows it increases the heart rate and provides us with a flight or fight experience. In other words, it prepares for recovery from harm.
As the body jerks into a sudden stop the cranium and brain collide. This causes a degree of bruising and can even result in death or paralysis. But that doesn't have to happen immediately as delayed response may see the effects of concussion several hours or even a day after the event.
Headaches; nausea; dizziness; memory problems; irritability; as well as balance and sleeping difficulties may follow. Look at these symptoms and compare them to those of Alzheimer's or dementia patients. With the latter there are huge changes in brain functions that include memory loss.While there is no proven correlation to support the linking of the two it doesn't mean it is not correct.
Drugs also affect the brain and taking pills on a regular basis may also be leading to the onset of Alzheimer's or dementia. While there are no studies to prove this is the case it's still a matter of common sense.

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